A new phone in the A series from Itel has been introduced in India. It has a 5-inch HD+ screen, the Unisoc SC9832E Quad-Core SoC, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of internal storage, a 2MP back camera, a VGA front camera, smart face unlock, a 3020mAh battery, and more. Recently, the business introduced the ROAR 60 neckband headset.
The Itel A23S has an R-angle, a camera deco design, and a beautiful gradient gloss finish on its back. Additionally, it has an exclusive Itel Social Turbo function that offers WhatsApp call recording, peek mode, call alarm, and status updates.
Itel A23s Specifications:
- 5-inch (480×854 pixels) FWVGA display
- 1.4GHz Quad-core SC9832E processor with Mali 820MP1 GPU
- 2GB RAM, 32GB storage, expandable memory up to 32GB with microSD
- Dual SIM
- Android 11 (Go Edition)
- 2MP rear camera with LED flash
- VGA front camera with LED flash
- Smart face unlock
- Dimensions: 145.4×73.5×10.5mm
- 4G, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.2, GPS + GLONASS
- 3020mAh removable battery
Pricing and Availability:
The Itel A23s costs Rs. 5,299 for the 2+32GB variant and is available in the colours Sky Cyan, Sky Black, and Ocean Blue. It will be offered by both physical and online retailers.
Itel also offers a free one-time screen replacement service for customers who purchase a broken screen within 100 days of the original purchase date.
Arijeet Talapatra, CEO of itel India, commented on the launch and said,
India has a sizable installed base of feature phone users—more than 300 million—who are still waiting to catch up with the digital revolution and are therefore unable to fulfil their expectations. Itel has established its foothold in this market by deeply entering India’s regional pockets with its low-cost, cutting-edge technology thanks to a robust product line.
With the inclusion of A23S, itel moves one step closer to India’s goal of developing its digital economy. At itel India, we genuinely strive to develop ideas and technologies with a single, unwavering goal in mind: to uplift, democratise, and give wings to hopes and goals, thereby making the lives of our customers SAHI.